Monday, January 5, 2009

Giant halibut killed four fishermen

In the files from the history of Iceland 1838 (Anno 1838) is a story from a giant halibut who sunk a small fishing boat near by Snæfells glacier (Snæfellsjökull). Six fishermen was on board and they went fishing from the small village Hellnar witch is located under the glacier.

They put down the anchor and on of the crew cached a very large fish, so he couldn’t move it from the bottom of the sea. Suddenly the line was loose and the fisherman tried hard to pull the line up. After few minutes of struggling a giant halibut came jumping out from the sea level and into the fishing boat on the right site. The boat capsized and four fishermen drowned but two of them managed to crawl on the capsized boat.

These two fishermen was rescued into another boat who was in the aria. The day after when they went to pull the boat to the harbor, they found the boat stuck to the anchor and the halibut was attached to the hook on the line and dead.

The oldest fisherman in the aria had never seen such a large halibut and they split it up and gave pieces to pore people on the Snæfellsnes peninsula.

Robert Schmidt

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